Hagaon HaRav Yitzchok Yosef Says Eida Chareidis Meat is Among the Lowest Hechsherim for SephardimRishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Shlita during his weekly shiur on motzei Shabbos in the Yazdim Shul in Jerusalem spoke about the shechita of meat under the hechsher of the Badatz Eida Chareidis.

 Bibi is Acting Like a CriminalIn an interview with 103FM Radio, former Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, expressed harsh criticism against PM Netanyahu – citing he acts like an escaped criminal – Olmert added some Likud MKs are suspect of law-breaking no less harsh than Bibi.
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Vision Becomes Reality at Jerusalem Estates
Vision Becomes Reality at Jerusalem Estates

The Jerusalem Estates project has made unprecedented waves across Israel and around the world, setting new standards for quality, planning, and execution.
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 Rubashkin Denied Entry Into U.K.; Refused Entry At Manchester AirportImmigration authorities in the U.K. have reportedly refused to allow Sholom Rubashkin entry moments ago.
Sources confirm to YWN that Rubashkin arrived at the Manchester Airport, where his entry was denied.
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 Fire Destroys Home of R’ Shlomo Carlebach – But His Seforim Survive! [VIDEO & PHOTOS]Israel’s Fire & Rescue Service reported that with the use of dogs and technological apparatus, it has been determined the fire which destroyed the community of Mevo Modi’im was likely to have been the result of arson as they have found numerous flash points, origins of the massive fire.

Admor Summoned to Police for Stating Bystanders Should have Intervened When Police Beat Autistic Chareidi YouthThe Admor of Berdichev Shlita, Rav Aharon Baumel, has been summoned by Israel Police for questioning at 9:00AM Sunday morning.
The rebbe was called into police in response to his words, questioning why no witness to the brutal attack against the autistic chareidi youth by police did not intervene on his behalf.

 PM Netanyahu Preparing New Draft Bill While Also Preparing for New ElectionsMarathon coalitions talks began on motzei Shabbos in the Prime Minister’s Office between coalition faction heads as four days remain until the mandate to form a coalition government expires, this coming Wednesday.

KIDDUSH HASHEM! Jewish Teens Help Rescue Drowning Man With Swastika TattooThe following is via NBC10 Boston:
It was late at night and a group of Jewish teenagers were on a walk around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir in Massachusetts.
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Trump Opens State Visit, Needles Japan Over Trade IssuesPresident Donald Trump opened a state visit to Japan on Saturday by needling the American ally over its trade imbalance with the United States. “Maybe that’s why you like me so much,” he joshed.
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Trump Defends Kim Jong Un, Downplays Threat in Recent Missile TestsIn an apparent contradiction of his national security adviser, President Donald Trump on Sunday downplayed recent North Korean missile tests, tweeting from Tokyo that they’re not a concern for him in comments sure to unnerve Japanese leaders.
