Justice Ginsburg Reports She’s On Way To ‘Well’ After CancerSupreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Saturday she’s “alive” and on her way to being “very well” following radiation treatment for cancer.
Ginsburg, 86, made the comments at the Library of Congress National Book Festival in Washington.
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Big Tech Or Big Labor? 2020 Democrats Line Up With UnionsThousands of miles from the union halls of Pennsylvania and Michigan, organized labor is flexing its muscles in a pitched battle with Big Tech.
And the Democratic Party’s 2020 class isn’t being shy about picking sides.
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Latest US, Chinese Tariff Hikes Take Effect In Trade WarThe United States and China went ahead with their latest tariff increases on each other’s goods Sunday, potentially raising prices Americans pay for some clothes, shoes, sporting goods and other consumer items in advance of the holiday shopping season.
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Clock Is Ticking On NY Deadline For Student VaccinationsWhen New York lawmakers revoked a religious exemption for mandatory school vaccinations, the change sent thousands of the state’s parents scrambling to get their kids shots — or get them out of the classroom entirely.
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 Hezbollah Fires Multiple Anti-Tank Missiles Into Israel; IDF Orders Bomb Shelters OpenedThe IDF says that multiple anti-tank missiles were fired into Israel on Sunday afternoon. Minutes later, the IDF orders all bomb shelters to be opened within 4 kilometers of the border, and people to remain in their homes.

 Hurricane Dorian Becomes Category 5, Set To Slam Island with 175 MPH WindsAn already dangerous Hurricane Dorian intensified yet again Sunday as it closed in on the northern Bahamas, threatening to batter islands with Category 5-strength winds, pounding waves and torrential rain as people hunkered down in schools, churches and other shelters.

Refuah Institute Trains Hundreds to Become Catalysts for Change in Their Communities
Refuah Institute Trains Hundreds to Become Catalysts for Change in Their Communities
Refuah Institute’s unique Torah-based coaching program combines scientific methods with Torah wisdom, empowering graduates to enable others to achieve success and fulfillment in their work and life.

The power of Thank you hashem @tyhashem
Making Hashem’s name great, again and again and again!!™
‘Thank You Hashem’ is a powerful sound bite. These simple words are a prayer, blessing, appreciation, sanctification, and expression of spiritual intimacy—all in one.
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 Jewish Man Attacked On Avenue J, Hit With Belt, Anti-Jewish Slurs UsedThe NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is once again investigating a bias attack – this time in the heart of the Flatbush Jewish Community.
The NYPD tells YWN that is happened on Avenue J and East 15th Street on Shabbos (Saturday) evening, around 7:00PM.

1 Dead, 8 Sick In Hazmat Incident At San Jose HotelAuthorities say one woman has died and eight people have been sickened in a hazmat incident Saturday at a Northern California hotel.
KTVU reports Saturday that guests of the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose reported smelling a chemical odor — similar to a rotten egg —and feeling faint, light-headed and short of breath.
