Israel’s Foreign Minister Attends Climate Summit In UAEIsrael’s Foreign Ministry says its chief diplomat attended an international climate summit in Abu Dhabi.
The ministry confirmed Monday that Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz visited the United Arab Emirates and met with a senior UAE official and U.N.
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A Letter From The Kalever Rebbe Shlita – Protecting Our Holy EducationTo the administration of the Yavneh School in Manchester:
I received news that the British Office of Standards in Education (Ofsted) visited your institution, and they expressed their opposition to your school’s sacred standards of holiness, keeping boys and girls separate.

Protesters In Hong Kong Break Into Legislature, Paint LogosHundreds of protesters in Hong Kong swarmed into the legislature’s main building Monday night, tearing down portraits of legislative leaders and spray-painting pro-democracy slogans on the walls of the main chamber as frustration over a lack of response from the administration to opposition demands boiled over.

Home Secretary Of Great Britain, A Muslim, Visits The Kosel [PHOTOS]On Monday morning Great Britain Home Secretary Sajid Javid visited the Kosel as part of his visit to Israel. This visit by Britain’s Home Secretary follows 19 years in which no senior minister of the British government has visited Jerusalem or the Kosel.
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Visiting Kever Yosef HaTzaddik For The YahrzeitOn Tuesday, 29 Sivan (July 2nd), armored buses escorted by the IDF will enter PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Shechem to visit the tziyun of Yosef HaTzaddik for the yahrzeit. Persons wishing to register to participate, may do so online.
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 Chabad Rav Ousted From Shul In Poland As Local Jewish Kehilla Doesn’t Want A Chareidi ShulJews along with the local Chabad Shaliach, Rabbi Eliezer Gurary, were expelled from a shul in Krakow, as several local thugs assisted nefarious individuals in taking over the area’s only chareidi shul.

 Theme Park Ride SNAPS IN HALF Mid-AirA 19-year-old girl was reportedly killed when the rotating ride came crashing down at the funfair in Jizzakh, a city in ex-Soviet state Uzbekistan.
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Deri Gives Local Governments An Extension To Pass A BudgetInterior Minister Aryeh Deri has decided to grant local governments an extension to pass their budget before dissolving the council and assuming control.
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri on Sunday gave a 14-day extension to five local municipalities and cities which to date have not succeeded in passing a budget since municipal elections in October 2018.

Jerusalem District Police Arrest 5 In Connection To Fraud Investigation Of The Eitz Chaim HekdeshA police investigation has led to the arrests of five suspects who allegedly fraudulently dealt in hekdesh properties and received funds amounting to NIS tens of millions.

 Yisrael Beitenu Party’s New Video Mocks Chareidim And PM NetanyahuThe following video represents the latest campaign video of the Yisrael Beitenu party, which is headed by MK Avigdor Lieberman.
The video, which is self-explanatory, mocks the Prime Minister and chareidim, warning voters that a vote for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is a vote for a ‘halachic state’ and a vote for Yisrael Beitenu is a vote for a ‘Jewish non-halachic state’.
