Trump Slams Romney Who Says He’s ‘Sickened & Appalled’ at Trump’s 2016 CampaignSen. Mitt Romney says he’s “sickened” by the dishonesty the Russia investigation found in the Trump White House, but the president fires back that Romney should have put the same energy into running for president in 2012 that the Utah Republican has tapped in criticizing him.

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Achdus Entertainment’s new, premiere monthly publication, HaGibor, flies off the presses this Pesach, delivering a new form of entertainment aimed at the under served frum teen audience.
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 Nothing Wrong With Trump Camp Taking Russian HelpPresident Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani insisted Sunday there was “nothing wrong” with the president’s 2016 campaign taking information from the Russians, as House Democrats pledged stepped-up investigations into campaign misconduct and possible crimes of obstruction detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

A Sefer Torah Valued at $70,000 Stolen from Tzefas ShulThere was shock among mispallalim of the Tiferes Yisrael Shul in Tzefas, as a Sefer Torah valued at $70,000 was discovered missing on the first day of Yom Tov.
Mispallalim opened the Aron Kodesh in the Shul located on Derech Chassidim Street in Tzefas’ Old City, and found the abandoned Eitz Chaim in the aron while the parchment, the actual Sefer Torah, was gone.

Trump’s Legal Team Breathes A Sigh, Takes A Victory LapFirst they cooperated. Then they stonewalled. Their television interviews were scattershot and ridiculed, their client mercurial and unreliable.
But President Donald Trump’s legal team, through a combination of bluster, legal precedent and shifting tactics, managed to protect their client from a potentially perilous in-person interview during special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation .

The Antidote Against Anti-Religious Mayor of Tiveriah
By Chaim Gold
The city of Tiveriah has never seen such a powerful, overt demonstration of the importance of Torah. The crowd was massive, and it was clear that residents of Teveriah who care about Yiddishkeit were deeply moved.
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 More Than 200 Killed In Multiple Bombings Of Churches, HotelsNine bombings of churches, luxury hotels and other sites on Easter Sunday killed more than 200 people and wounded hundreds more in Sri Lanka’s deadliest violence since a devastating civil war in the South Asian island nation ended a decade ago.

 Heavy Snow on Golan Heights on 1st Day Chol Hamoed PesachThe snowy Mount Hermon site was painted white on Sunday morning, the first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach in Israel, having placed a fresh coat of white powder on the ski resort.
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This Chol Hamoed—The Trip Of A LifetimeThis Chol Hamoed—The Trip Of A Lifetime
Thousands to Experience the Incredible Beis Hamikdash Virtual Reality Tour
It has been described as a transformative experience for both young and old.
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Tefilos Requested for the Kaliver Rebbe of Eretz YisraelThe Kaliver Rebbe Shlita has been showing signs if increased weakness over the past two weeks, preventing the rebbe from attending Yomtov tefilos in his beis medrash.
There is much concern among chassidim and others, as it is reported the rebbe fell at home two weeks ago, and his condition has deteriorated since; preventing him from bearing weight on the injured leg.
