IDF Demolishes Home of Terrorist Who Murdered Ori Ansbacher H”YD [VIDEO & PHOTOS]The Israeli military has demolished the family home of a Palestinian terrorist charged with the horrific murder of a 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher.
Israeli forces bulldozed two apartments belonging to the father of Arafat Erfayieh in the Hebron on Friday.

 Neo-Nazi Arson at Yeshiva Toras Chaim on Erev Yom Tov [PHOTOS]It was a horrific scene in Moscow on Erev Pesach, as talmidim at Yeshiva Toras Chaim awoke to find devastation from an apparent arson fire.
The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Lebel, told the media there were 60 students, rabbis and guests in the building at the time of the arson.

Commerce Official Wants Businesses To Get Trump Tax BreakRhode Island’s commerce secretary said Thursday he’s analyzing new regulations issued by the Trump administration about a program for giving tax breaks for investing in low-income areas to ensure concerns by state economic development officials were considered.
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Central Florida Cities Among Fastest Growing In USWhen it came to population growth last year, cities in central Florida grew by stadiums.
Metro Orlando grew by 60,000 residents last year, almost as large as the number of people who can fit into the city’s Camping World Stadium, where college football bowl teams face off each winter.

 The Erev Pesach Story That We All Should Be Talking About[By Chaskel Bennett – From the YWN Archives 2016]
‎Let’s be honest, the past few weeks and months have been extremely painful for anyone who cares about the reputation of our community.
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7 Things You Have to Know About the Chad Gadya(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times)
Everyone grew up with it and it signifies the end of the Pesach Seder. Father bought the kid (a sheep or goat) for two zuzim.
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Israel Military Exports Were $7.5 Billion In 2018, Down 18 PercentIsrael’s Defense Ministry says the country’s military exports were $7.5 billion last year, down 18% from the previous year.
The ministry said on Wednesday that despite the drop, the 2018 figures were a “major success” and the second-highest level in the past decade.

Electric Scooters Have Zipped By Docked Bikes In PopularityLove them or hate them, electric scooters are everywhere — zipping along city streets and littered on sidewalks, to the dismay of pedestrians and drivers who must share the road.
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Ten Rules For The Pesach Seder(By Chaim Dayan and Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer)
Seder Night is the climax of the Pesach festival. It also presents a considerable challenge concerning our children. Many parents ask themselves what can be done to encourage children to participate in Seder Night, and at the very least how to avoid situations that disrupt the Seder Night proceedings.

10-Year-Old Boy Suffers Permanent Brain Damage After Getting MeaslesA 10-year-old boy in Israel is in critical condition after he contracted the measles
The young boy was hospitalized at Schneider Medical Center in Petah Tikva is attached to a ventilator.
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