These Easy and Delicious Kugel Bites Are Perfect for Pesach
Finally, Pesach Noodles that are actually healthy! Try the new Heaven & Earth Veggie Spirals!
Try this delicious, low-carb Pesach recipe now: Vegetable Kugel Bites
On Pesach, we’re often looking for delicious recipes that don’t take a long time to make, and yet aren’t just potato after potato after potato.

We’ve Got Your Afikoman Present Covered! And We’re Not Hiding ItYou’ve heard about The Circle magazine, seen it at the checkout line in the grocery, and your kids have been begging you to buy them a subscription because everyone has it.
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 Fire In Haifa Leaves 16 Injured, 4 Seriously(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
A fire broke ripped through a four-story residential structure on Eben Givrol Street in Haifa, in the Carmel district, Monday morning. Firefighters responded at about 8:30 AM to find flames emanating from second story windows.
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Hatzolah In NYC Joins The Fight Against The Measles Outbreak – GET VACCINATED NOWCentral Hatzolah has joined with the NYC Health Department and released a letter calling on the community to vaccinate. The following is the letter:
Measles is a highly contagious disease that is now unfortunately prevalent in our community.

 How Kosher Gluten Free Machine Matzos Are Baked For PassoverJoin us as we explore how gluten-free kosher machine-made matzos are baked for Pesach.
It all starts with the factory preparation to ensure a gluten free working environment – gloves, gowns, and the whole works.
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Liberman’s Demands Ahead Of Coalition Talks Will Challenge The Chareidi PartiesThe chairmen of the various Knesset factions are beginning to meet with President Reuven Rivlin, to tell the president who they recommend to receive the presidential mandate for forming the next coalition government.

Trump Says Boeing Should Fix, Then Re-Brand Max JetsPresident Donald Trump is offering some unsolicited advice to Boeing, manufacturer of the troubled 737 Max jet.
Trump tweeted Monday that if he were in charge of Boeing, he would “FIX” the plane, “add some additional great features, & REBRAND the plane with a new name.” He adds: “No product has suffered like this one.”

 Is Excluding Religious Schools From A School Choice Program Constitutional?When Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Missouri, decided that they wanted their playground resurfaced with car tire scraps, they probably didn’t think that Agudath Israel of America would end up invoking their experience in a brief filed before the Supreme Court.

Degel Hatorah Enlists The Aid Of Bochrim To Get The 8th Seat, Which Appears To Have Been FoundDegel Hatorah officials put the word out to Yeshiva Bochrim, for anyone capable of coming to assist to review the protocols received by the party pertaining to polling stations nationwide.

Car Cleaning Crew Kicking off Pesach Cleaning with At-Your Home ServiceAlthough the weather is frigid and Purim was just a few days ago , believe it or not Pesach is just around the corner! Homemakers everywhere are starting (or at least thinking about) the cleaning that comes along with the chag.
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