Governor Kathy Hochul’s proposed budget for 2022-2023 included $55 million in funding for STEM in nonpublic schools, including yeshivas and Jewish day schools. Teach NYS, which has steadily worked with government officials to increase STEM funding, reacted to the news with praise for the Governor’s commitment to fair funding for excellence in education for all students.
These funds will reimburse nonpublic schools for the salaries of qualified grades 3–12 STEM teachers as part of the STEM Teacher Reimbursement Program, a revolutionary step in the effort toward solving the tuition crisis.

“You don’t have to wait for the siyum to come aboard Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program! You can experience how learning daily halacha transforms your life by jumping into hilchos megillah and Purim and completing all the halachos of Purim before Purim this year! What a way to get started, by being engaged in a dovor b’ito, learning halachos in their right time!” These were the words of Rabbi Avigdor Bernstein, a senior member of Hanhalas Dirshu, advocating that new Daf HaYomi B’Halacha learners start right now!

In conjunction with the Dirshu World Siyumim, Dirshu will be leading a mission to Eastern Europe where Gedolim will visit Radin, Vilna and Kovno to daven at the mekomos hakedoshim and invoke rachamei shomayim on behalf of Klal Yisrael and especially on behalf of those who incorporate the learning of daily halacha into their lives.

Later this winter, lomdei Dirshu will be celebrating a major milestone with the Dirshu World Siyum marking the completion of the second machzor of six chalakim of Sefer Mishnah Berurah in Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Program, where a page of Mishnah Berurah is learned daily with chazara on weekends and monthly tests.
In preparation for the upcoming World Siyum, a remarkable chizuk event was held earlier this month in Flatbush in the Beis Medrash of Kollel Dirshu led by Rav Shlomo Cynamon. The event was addressed by Rav Shlomo Cynamon, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Nasi Dirshu, Rav Moshe Weinberger, Rav of the Agudas Yisroel of Flatbush and R”M at Mesivta Shalom Shachne, and Rav Zev Smith, Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Maggid Shiur.

With an eye to the future of the commercial mortgage industry, Ira Zlotowitz, renowned for his success founding and leading Eastern Union, a national commercial mortgage brokerage company, today announced the launch of a new game-changing service, GPARENCY, to help clients go directly to the bank. GPARENCY is oversubscribed, raising the maximum of $15 million in venture-backed capital from over 125 real estate professionals and engaged strategic partners (including Customers Bank), the largest seed round in the commercial space, to fund this new approach to mortgage financing.

Following his meeting with Nasi of Dirshu, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Republican Member of Congress, Don Bacon, attacked the violence against Jews in the USA, and seeks to stand with the Jewish community ^ Watch his speech in Congress
Transcription of speech by Member of Congress Don Bacon:
Thank you, madam speaker, I rise today to address a very concerning, uptick in hate crimes against members of the Jewish community in recent weeks.
To be clear, these incidences have not been isolated and their sheer volume should frighten us all. We must do more to acknowledge these crimes against our Jewish brothers and sisters and ensure perpetrators of these crimes are held accountable.

Members of Congress in Washington embrace the chareidi community: Throughout the year, the President of Dirshu, Rav David Hofstedter, is busy – beyond his real estate dealings and business initiatives – primarily with the management of one of largest Torah organizations in the world, operating in 26 countries worldwide. However recent events havee him do something he’s never done before.

It’s no secret that as Senate Majority Leader and senior senator from New York, Charles Schumer is a man whose time is not easy to pin down. But, putting down his trademark “flip phone” for a while, Senator Schumer made himself available, between votes and phone calls from senators, to present at a webinar held by Agudath Israel’s Yeshiva Services department on the topic of the funds and resources made available to Americans, and particularly relevant to the Orthodox Jewish community by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

