Industry veteran has held positions at communications firm RAD, Comverse and Carmel Ventures; will take up post in near future, Israel Innovation Authority says

Consortium of pharma and tech giants, including Merck, Teva, Amazon, will run new innovation lab to develop ecosystem, tap into new tech

As he steps down from post, Aharon Aharon also reveals Innovation Authority is hoping to provide more funding to early stage startups as investors shy away from risk

Aharon took helm of the body in charge of setting Israel's tech policies in 2017, formerly headed Apple's R&D center in Israel

Funds will support 'high-functioning companies' that have a good chance of surviving the crisis but are facing difficulties in raising funds and sales, authority says

Israel Innovation Authority announces NIS 13.5 million ($3.9 million) bio-convergence program to fund multidisciplinary medical projects with commercial potential

Over half of companies polled say that without added funds they'll be forced to halt operations within six months; 91% report slowdown in investor funding

Innovation Authority says it will provide small and medium firms with vital funds; tech industry forecast to see 25% drop in investment, revenues

Innovation Authority earmarks $4.3 million to get pension and saving funds to jump onto tech bandwagon by hiring and training tech specialists

Calcalist: Innovation Authority's CEO Aharon Aharon says funds for grants to tech firms have not arrived as a result of Israel’s political limbo
