Companies dealing in life sciences and technology face tougher times ahead due to global economic uncertainty and political crisis at home
Points: -7
US company Eli Lilly says 100,000 doses of its monoclonal treatment 'ready immediately' for distribution to high-risk patients aged 12 and older
Points: 5
Eli Lilly says phase 3 trial shows combination of two synthetic antibodies has ‘potential to be an important treatment in high-risk patients’
Points: -1
As states, localities tussle over terms of agreement, pharmaceutical firms say they're unwilling to top initial $48 billion offer
Points: 2
Herzliya- and San Francisco-based company with ties to medical giant Teva developing drug to treat NASH, a severe liver disease
Points: -2
Figures show Israeli pharmaceutical giant produced less than 1% of the 76 billion oxycodone and hydrocodone pills; Sackler-owned Purdue produced about 3% in 2006-2012
Drug company used Italian doctor, apparently employing practices that helped create US addiction crisis that has claimed 400,000 lives
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