Origin of decades-old 90-millimeter mortars unclear; capital most recently scene of battle during 1967 Six Day War, 1948 Independence War

Some 14,000 moved out in Lublin to allow military experts to remove unexploded ordnance

National mine-clearing organization found the various bombs in an underground bunker in November, decided to blow them up for safety instead of moving them

German authorities say one of those hurt is in serious condition; blast disrupts train service at busy station

British munition said to have contained 'active explosives' detonated by police sappers in controlled explosion

Police seal off area as sappers called in

Police sappers safely remove pair of shells likely used by Jordanian forces during some of the fiercest fighting of 1967 conflict

Authorities evacuate thousands of people in Exeter near Nazi 'Hermann' bomb; massive explosion heard kilometers away

Golani Brigade troops suffer mild injuries, are taken to hospital; IDF investigating incident in northern Israel

Residents near Limburg report hearing overnight blast, which caused no casualties