By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Most Bais Yaakov high schools generally have davening take place in school. In the pre-COVID days many of them had it in the large auditorium, but in COVID times – they often daven in the classrooms.  But what do they do about breakfast?  Unlike the Yeshiva high schools – which provide breakfast for their talmidim after davening – the Bais Yaakovs do not.  The halacha is that one should not take care of one’s own needs before davening to Hashem. What is the rationale for allowing it? NOT EATING BEFORE DAVENING The source of the halacha that forbids eating before davening is based upon a Gemorah in Brachos (10b).  The halacha is further codified in Shulchan Aruch (Orech Chaim 89:3).

  A Halachic Analysis(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
They are the latest “rage” in entertainment, so to speak.  Instead of “escape rooms,” indoor skiing, or axe-throwing venues, people are now paying money to enter a room with safety gear and baseball bats – and smashing and breaking things.  
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The Face of a Rasha – Al BaghdadiBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
Finally, finally, they got the founder of ISIS.  A vicious, evil man by all accounts, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi got his just desserts in a remarkable surgical military operation by America’s elite forces. 
Read more on Yeshiva World News