Foreign Ministry says decision to deny access to parts of West Bank made 'after consulting with security officials,' but defense bodies say they made no such recommendation

Reports say the major global investor is reviewing its activity in the country due to Israeli banks' involvement in West Bank settlements

Oslo says foodstuffs from outside recognized borders 'must be marked with area from which the product comes'; Jerusalem warns move 'will negatively impact bilateral ties'

Exhibit has prompted protest by Jewish community, which notes it evokes classic Christian antisemitism blaming Jews for death of Jesus

KLP, which manages some $95 billion worth of assets, says investments in companies tied to settlement enterprise 'risk complicity in international law violations'

International trade unions write letter to world's largest sovereign wealth fund, calling for it to nix dealings with Israeli banks, TripAdvisor, Motorola

Capital is the sixth Norwegian municipality to ban settlement goods and services; ban does not distinguish between Israeli and foreign corporations operating in the West Bank