As the year draws to a close, ToI reporters reflect on the work that touched them the most, from clambering the cliffs of Qumran to boogying at the Eurovision

TV report says Netanyahu will seek to keep move low-key, cite primary victory as justification; party says no final decision made, but a request wouldn't be 'evasion from charges'

Yisrael Beytenu chief does not explicitly state if he opposes immunity for the scandal-ridden prime minister, but says there's 'a sense of fatigue' with him in the Knesset

Claiming that PM will not be able to form coalition, Yoav Kisch says he's backing rival 'out of a deep commitment to the Israeli right'

Israeli TV details PM's reported offer to Gantz to guarantee rotation agreement, including requiring at least 80 MKs to overturn it

Samaria Regional Council chairman and head of Likud settler lobby, Yossi Dagan, thanks Netanyahu but says he won't be able to form government, backs rival

TV report says Yuli Edelstein, Likud's No. 2, has been 'laying groundwork' to challenge Netanyahu; his office denies plans, says he's focused on preventing 3rd election

With prime minister expected to relinquish health ministry and others because of criminal charges, Yaakov Litzman given rare permission to assume full role

According to legal precedent a minister cannot remain in his post while facing indictment

Party's Central Committee chief Haim Katz agrees to push for decision to keep current Knesset roster, as coalition talks falter and new vote looks increasingly likely
