PM, Yisrael Beytenu leader say they discussed unity government, will meet again; Gantz has until Wednesday to form government

With Gantz facing a Wednesday deadline to form government, parties say they've reached agreements on religion and state issues

With Gantz facing a Wednesday deadline to form coalition, Netanyahu to speak at 'emergency' rally against Arab-backed minority government; Liberman says his decision will come soon

Yisrael Beytenu tables legislation in apparent bid to allow Likud MKs to break away from Netanyahu -- though its odds of success are exceedingly slim

At Orthodox Jewish event, US president boasts of '98%' approval rating in Israel, says he could move there and become prime minister 'very soon'

Benny Gantz claims nothing's changed, but he knows an operation limits his options and bolsters Netanyahu, while putting nail in coffin of Plan B, Arab-backed minority government

Netanyahu again accuses Gantz of planning minority coalition propped up by Joint List, implores him to abandon the 'insane idea'

PM gets 40% support in survey compared with 36% for rival, with 24% undecided; option floated in recent days seen as very unlikely

As 3rd elections within a year seem increasingly likely, report claims there has been significant progress in negotiations held through back channel

New Right members indicate increasing willingness to hold independent coalition talks; Liberman slams Netanyahu, says he will be 'solely responsible' if new elections called
