The mainstage conversation explicitly addressed anti-Semitism, rabbis delivered benedictions and both Biden and Harris' Jewish family members were on display

'It was a wake-up call for us as a country,' Democratic nominee cites neo-Nazi rallies in Charlottesville and Trump's 'very fine people' speech as the moment he knew he had to run

Though the conventional view has come out on top for now, fight over Jewish state between party's wings unlikely to disappear anytime soon

Former vice president urges unity, competency during pandemic; says Trump's comments referring to neo-Nazis as 'very fine people' spurred him to enter race

First section of Wednesday's convention dedicated to gun control; other topics include undocumented migrants and climate change -- and especially the rise of women in politics

Wide range of Democrats, and several Republicans, endorse the former US vice president to formalize what has been clear for months

At Democratic National Convention, progressive US senator expresses support for primary rival Joe Biden, rails against president: 'Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs'

Michelle Obama given primetime slot on opening night of 4-day convention taking place almost entirely online because of the COVID-19 outbreak