Director-General Eyal Zamir announces Depth Multi-Year Plan, and creation of robotics and AI body as Tehran continues to enrich uranium

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifies at Senate hearing, explains government intervention is crucial to mitigating risks of increasingly powerful artificial intelligence systems

EU bill classifies artificial intelligence systems according to four risk levels, with riskier applications to face tougher requirements regarding transparency and data sharing

In Israel for 11th Jerusalem Writers Festival, writer says of her latest book, 'The Candy House,' that she lets her sense of curiosity guide her

US tech giant to help bring local agritech to the next level; Israeli startups work with Microsoft teams and showcase their technologies to the global marketplace

Historian and philosopher says technology could attract worshipers ready to kill in the name of religion, urges tighter oversight and regulation of sector

Israel's Hastok home design and household chain will integrate 1,000 smart shopping carts at its 40 stores across the country

New York-based traditionalist sect says AI chatbots and ChatGPT in particular are open to limitless abominations

The sounds of Ofra Haza and Zohar Argov, both deceased, come together in Session 42's latest musical creation

Speaking in many tongues with the aid of a Tel Aviv startup, the Foreign Ministry is boldly venturing into the virtual realm to get its messages across to friends and foes
