Conspiracy theorist spent $93,000 in July; victims' relatives awarded nearly $1.5 billion for over false theory that school shooting that killed 20 kids, 6 educators never happened

After Kanye West voices 'love' for Nazis and ex-president Trump dines with white supremacist, Biden says 'silence is complicity'

Conspiracy theorist, who just hosted Kanye for unhinged pro-Nazi rant on his show and long claimed mass shooting at elementary school was a hoax, files for Chapter 11 protection

Rapper makes bizarre appearance alongside Holocaust denier Fuentes on show hosted by right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, accuses Netanyahu of trying to steal his family

Connecticut judge imposes punitive damages on Infowars host and Free Speech Systems, who repeatedly told his millions of followers the school shooting was staged by 'crisis actors'

'I'm not alone. I have a whole army around me,' according to basketball star; who says he agrees with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on secret occult societies, but not Sandy Hook

Player, benched for much of last season over refusal to get vaccinated, previously supported idea of Earth being flat and shared a clip from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones

Testifying during the trial, conspiracy theorist acknowledges he was wrong about school shooting, but both in the courtroom and on his show he has remained defiant

Jury to hear evidence and decide how much Infowars host should pay families of massacre victims; he recently lost nearly $50 million verdict; is set to face 3rd trial

Infowars conspiracy theorist held financially liable for spreading claims 2012 school shooting, where 20 kids were killed, was staged; Jones faces more defamation suits
