Airline caused 'emotional suffering' to travelers who went without food for some 10 hours, judge says in ruling

Suing American Airlines, Roberto and Elana Birman say they were taken off plane in August after they said they wouldn't place tallit bag under seat

American Airlines plane touches down safely in France, reportedly after medical emergency on board; most passengers said to be Israeli

Secretary of Defense activates rarely-used Civil Reserve Air Fleet; the 18 civilian aircraft will transport people from American military bases in Gulf states to Europe and the US

Airliner traveling from Miami to Tel Aviv with 183 aboard touches down after airport authority declares state of emergency

Announcements of resumption of services come after international carriers scrapped flights amid violence

Amid dangers posed by ongoing rocket fire from Gaza, arriving planes diverted to Ramon airport near Eilat; departures continue from Ben Gurion; US airlines begin canceling flights

Big-name businesses including Goldman Sachs, Coca-Cola, Ford, Comcast suspend donations in wake of Washington violence, though the move is not seen as a serious blow

Naturalized US-citizen Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani says damage was so that he would be paid to repair; investigators find links to Islamic State terror group