Tamar Zandberg and Itzik Shmuli lament Labor-Gesher-Meretz's projected 7 seats, though others praise merger for saving all three factions from falling under threshold

Poised for humiliating result, Amir Peretz says Benny Gantz's party ran an 'irresponsible campaign' and 'turned on us'; speculation swirls that his partner could defect to right

PM says Blue and White leader 'weak,' calls him a 'mediocre' former army chief; Gantz says Israelis ready for change, slams Netanyahu's 'mafia'-like behavior

Liberman issues denial, says party won't back any government it's not a member of; claims Peretz made statement for benefit of Netanyahu, in return for support in presidential bid

Leader MK Amir Peretz doesn't rule out sitting with Joint List or with ultra-Orthodox parties, says the key question will be the policies adopted by the new coalition

Kingmaker Yisrael Beytenu chair says he's not opposed to serving with Labor-Gesher-Meretz alliance; says it's clear that Likud-Blue and White government won't happen

NGO claims proposal to redraw borders keeping some towns outside Israel seeks demographic shift through 'racially-motivated separation'; Labor head says notion 'dangerous'

After US opposition foils plans to approve move at Sunday cabinet meeting, PM now looking for 'green light for a small annexation to satisfy the voters'

Left-wing Labour-Gesher-Meretz also takes Benny Gantz to task for backing proposal that calls for Israel to annex Jordan Valley and settlements

No new date set for ministerial gathering, which Netanyahu had initially said would approve extending sovereignty to West Bank areas, after calls to hold back from Washington
