Decision now to come before entire Senate ahead of final confirmation; Democrats, rather than showing, place posters at desks of those who stand to lose if court outlaws Obamacare

Amy Coney Barrett fields questions on abortion, health care and a possible disputed-election fight, largely avoiding specifics and vowing to make decisions 'as they come'

Democrats in US Senate brand conservative nominee a 'threat' to country's health care, as Trump administration races to appoint her before November 3 elections

Republicans are eager to push through nomination to US Supreme Court before elections, while Democrats argue move would endanger Obamacare, abortion rights

Trump looks to cement conservative majority on US Supreme Court before Election Day and any election-related challenges that may follow voting

Signed by other faith-based organizations, letter to senators cites nominee's stated opposition to Affordable Care Act

Same-sex adoption issue pits American Jewish community’s Orthodox bodies against its civil rights groups, days off work for religious holidays could also be on the table

Old directory pages for South Bend branch of People of Praise lists Amy Coney Barrett, who has refused to discuss her ties to the Christian group

Amy Coney Barrett, Trump nominee to replace Ginsburg, resided in house owned by co-founders of People of Praise, a mysterious group accused of subjugating women

It's not clear where the president got the virus, or even when he tested positive, but his week included several rallies, and a White House event where several attendees fell ill
