PM argues phone tracking, closure of borders necessitated by continued uncertainty over new coronavirus strain, touts boosters as effective tool to combat pandemic

Milos Zeman plays a critical role in nominating a future prime minister; he remains in intensive care a day after his ally Andrej Babis loses vote

Nearly 3 terabytes of data in 12 million files leaked to group of 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries, in report dubbed 'Pandora Papers'

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Ramallah says move is 'violation of international law'; Arab League's Ahmed Aboul Gheit claims mission will affect Jerusalem's legal status

Prime minister, Viktor Orban, Andrej Babis also discuss 'green passport' to allow travel between countries for vaccinated individuals

Andres Babis lauds 'full-fledged diplomatic mission' in capital; FM Ashkenazi thanks Prague for leading change in European approach to Israel

Viktor Orban and Andrej Babis will meet Israeli premier a week before national election, which he has staked on his ability to bring vaccines to Jewish state

Showing similar trends to Israel's handing of the pandemic, Czech Republic is also facing a raging second wave after initial government success in keeping cases low

Country's president, PM denounce op-ed in which Tomáš Petříček and former top diplomat argue that annexing West Bank would raise questions about Israel's future as a democracy