Unparalleled $2.2 trillion economic rescue bill followed days of negotiations and came despite misgivings on both sides about whether it goes too far or not far enough

Andrew Cuomo says virus could peak in populous state in as few as 2 weeks, with some 40,000 people needing intensive care

As most New Yorkers barred from congregating in groups or going to work, officials warn of a critical shortage of medical supplies

Bill de Blasio says people to die unnecessarily, due to a 'widespread shortage' of basic supplies needed to keep hospitals running

More than 300,000 infections confirmed worldwide; NY governor Cuomo says government is 'literally scouring the globe' in hunt for hospital equipment

Over 200 Americans dead, 14,000 infected as New York City emerges as nation's epicenter; global deaths surpass 11,000; China claims no new infections for 3rd straight day

People living in the 3 biggest American cities, NYC, LA and Chicago, will all be under lockdown as part of efforts to contain coronavirus outbreak as US death toll tops 200

NY Governor Cuomo says USNS Comfort has 1,000 rooms, 'which will add capacity' to house those infected with COVID-19

Gov. Cuomo says lack of coordinated regional response and lagging federal action are feeding feeling the US is 'out of control'

De Blasio 'distraught at having to take this action,' fearing effect on tens of thousands who rely on schools for a hot meal, health workers, first responders with no childcare
