Washington reviewing foreign arms sales made by Trump administration, including deal reached as part of Israel normalization, as well as accord with Saudi Arabia

Speaking at ADL conference, Blue and White leader says of attempts to form government: 'Unity is not a bloc in which everyone thinks as one and labors for one man'

While Israeli sales weren't major, investigators say they've highlighted Jewish state 'in particular' because it likely knew the weapons would be used to carry out 'serious crimes'

Congratulating Zagreb on its Victory Day violates 'basic human principles of modern societies,' Belgrade's ambassador in Tel Aviv fumes

Administration considering using national security waiver after lawmakers have blocked transfers in protest over Yemen campaign, Khashoggi murder

Men suspected of helping run site that referred users to purchase drugs, weapons; bust includes arrests in several other countries

Figures show a decline compared to 2017 due to that year's $2.5 billion missile deal with India and 2018's cancelled contract to sell F-16 jets to Croatia
