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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
We learn about the requirement to bentch Birkas Hamazon after eating and being satiated from the posuk in Devarim, Perek Ches, posuk yud. The gemara in Brachos, daf chof alef, amud alef says that we learn that Birkas Hamazon is a mitzvah d’Oraysa from the above posuk. All other brachos achronos are mi’DeRabbanan.

Wouldn’t moving to Yerushalayim be the most genuine way to express our sadness and yearning that we speak about during these days?
Moving to Yerushalayim is not that simple. First of all it’s a problem – what do you do with your sons? They might be drafted, and you’ll have to start dodging the army. So you’ll say, “Well, I’ll live in Yerushalayim but I’ll come back to America from time to time, and I’ll keep my American citizenship.” But it’s not that simple. Because sooner or later your children will be Israelis. What’s going to happen then? You have to keep them out of the army.

Q: Can you explain to me why some some synagogues do not observe the Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) observance for the Holocaust victims?
