Tel Aviv University study suggests existing experimental drug may lead to effective treatments for some cases of autism, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases

PM says proposed bill will enshrine rights and services in law 'for the first time'; FM weeps as he shares daughter's story

'I felt that nothing on television represented me,' says Geffen Kaminer, who is starring in the upcoming series 'East Side'

Diagnosis from scans could enable starting treatment at birth rather than waiting years, possibly boosting the results

'As We See It' follows a trio of autistic young people — all played by actors on the spectrum — as they negotiate daily life and are looked after by a neurotypical aide

Health and science correspondent Nathan Jeffay discusses COVID as well as autism research, while ToI editor David Horovitz looks at Christians in Israel and 'Hatikva' in Abu Dhabi

Scientists say their work may cause a pivot in research on use of the drug for autism, as it suggests that he wrong cannabis compound is currently subject of the most focus

Two-thirds of children diagnosed by age 2.5 improve by two or more points on autism severity scale; after this age, fewer than a quarter make similar improvement

Science and health writer Nathan Jeffay reports on Israel's reopened borders and a massive autism research grant; political correspondent Tal Schneider offers a view from Glasgow

Funding will allow huge ramp-up of project to improve diagnosis and treatment based on large database of Israeli children with autism
