Le Soir takes heat for drawing that includes an Orthodox Jewish man in Antwerp without a face covering, as masks are seen on the ground nearby

More than 5 million cases declared since July 1, a third of the total since pandemic began; of deaths, US has highest number at 146,460, Belgium most per capita

As UN mandate over crossings expires, Germany and Belgium call for a vote on a draft resolution, while Moscow floats its own version

NGO Monitor reveals 2016 document about funding, with foreign ministry spokesperson saying it doesn't reflect government's position

Resolution urging creation of 'list of efficient counter-measures' passes with huge majority; second motion urging government to recognize Palestinian state postponed for two weeks

2 arrested after bullet-riddled body found in Antwerp river; police believe crime related to 'score-settling in the drug world'

Local Jewish group sends letter to broadcaster protesting claim in the series 'Children of the Holocaust' that Israel 'systematically' displaced Palestinians in War of Independence

Expected move related to budget shortfalls caused by coronavirus pandemic; Jewish community says it needs 'more, not less protection'

Men accused of violating emergency measures for placing wreath at monument to resistance fighters who saved Jews from Auschwitz

If early trends had continued, today there'd be 600,000 sick Israelis and thousands 'would have ended their lives,' says Bar Siman-Tov, defending policies amid economic meltdown
