Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Airline uses quick antigen test that gives results in 15-20 minutes; testing only required of the unvaccinated, mainly children

Permission to be granted by border authority exceptions committee on a case-by-case basis

But health leaders indicate some limitations likely on Passover; Edelstein: Broader opening of airport done ‘with a heavy heart. It endangers us greatly'

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Travelers will no longer be required to quarantine at state-run hotels, can stay at home instead; up to 3,000 a day to be allowed in; list of departure points increases

Letter from legal adviser claims panel that ruled on entrance to country was often instructed on who to let in, including by Deri aide

Airlines began selling tickets after ministers approved wider opening of airport, but last-minute delay in cabinet vote has mired process in uncertainty

Asked about Netanyahu's assertion Thursday that the pandemic is largely over in Israel, Ash says: 'I don't know what the prime minister meant'

Timing of legislation leaves gap with no supervision on returnees; hotels to only be used for those who refuse bracelets or can't isolate at home
