Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur in an in-depth conversation about the politicians' public difference of opinion over funding for Arab Israelis

Netanyahu says the funding must be monitored so that it ‘reaches its appropriate destination,' as far-right minister claims money could fuel organized crime, 'encourage terror'

Ministers tell finance minister cash is needed to close gaps, warn freezing money will cost state coffers more in the long run

New government approved the construction of 12,855 new housing units throughout the West Bank so far this year, says Peace Now

Far-right finance minister says he has Netanyahu's backing to halt East Jerusalem funding, alleges money earmarked for Arab authorities goes to organized crime

Far-right finance minister's opposition may prevent Israel from fulfilling promise made to US government

Finance minister halts money earmarked for preparatory program for East Jerusalemites; 'He is relegating young people to poverty, crime and terror,' says Hebrew University

Zinger, a partner at law firm Herzog Fox & Neeman, has been confirmed as chairman of the Israel Securities Authority, following the approval of the appointments committee

Shas Interior Minister Moshe Arbel said to warn finance minister of potential harm to local municipal budgets if he does not release funds - to no avail

Far-right channel dismissed Yigal Amir's attorney Ari Shamai following his comments, but lawyer refuses to apologize
