This week, archaeologist Aren Maeir takes us into the strata of the biblical city of Gath to examine technologies of Israel's ancient enemies, and how they likely viewed themselves

Olive grove where Jesus spent a night of agony, accepted his betrayal, and was arrested ahead of his crucifixion has until now had no physical link to Second Temple era

Bought for a pittance at a market in 1980, 8th century BCE paleo-Hebrew inscription is the earliest writing found on a clay seal impression in the Land of Israel, study shows

Hitherto unpublished 2,000-year-old charcoal menorah, forgotten in archives for 40 years, shores up hypothesis that ancient Michmas was a priestly settlement, study says

As Mount Karkom attracts increasing visitors, archaeologists try to protect a prehistoric art-filled site that a top researcher claims is Mount Sinai, complete with 'burning bush'

As apartment towers rise in West Bank town, remains of Jewish village conquered by Romans fight the elements -- and population boom -- for a chance at preservation in planned park

Author Prof. Eric Cline digs up dirt on colorful cast of 1920s-1930s characters who searched for lost city of Solomon at Megiddo during field of archaeology's growing pains

Comparison of 350 years of Iron Age storage jars finds that despite changing vessel shapes, the rims maintain diameter of a man's hand -- the source of the elusive 'tefah' measure

Prof. David Ben-Shlomo speaks about new ceramics study, history of Judaism's second holiest site where Abraham buried Sarah, and findings from his recent excavations at Tel Hebron

An unprecedented Tel Aviv University study combines human handwriting know-how with cutting-edge computer science to analyze literacy of Judahites in 7th century BCE Arad
