Alleged fraudsters Yossi Herzog and Kobi Cohen are not in Israel and cannot be found, says US Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Tal Valariola, son of an ex-senior cop, and Itay Barak, son of a director of public firms, accused of disseminating videos that lured in tens of thousands of alleged scam victims

Expert says sum is likely 'a conservative estimate' of losses for which convicted Yukom CEO Lee Elbaz, jailed in December for 22 years, was directly responsible

An international consortium of journalists has exposed a Ukrainian scam call center run by Georgian-Israelis with friends in high places

Lawyers for CEO in $140 million fraud argued that she was ‘middle management,’ pointed the finger at her bosses Yossi Herzog and Yakov Cohen

As former Israeli immigrant Austin Smith prepares to serve his term, ex-legal counsel for Wealth Recovery International says she's helping US authorities track down clients' money

American authorities continue crackdown on widely fraudulent industry that was allowed to flourish in Israel for a decade

Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Anton Senderov and Lior Babazara defrauded Americans of $5 million through the websites and

Israeli CEO of Yukom Communications, convicted in $145 million crime, is to be sentenced in December

Gil Beserglik and his son Raz allegedly operated the sites Bloombex Options, Morton Finance and Starling Capital from call centers in Israel and Germany
