The common blue butterfly beats out 139 winged contestants; southern white admiral comes in second, followed by African monarch in third

Envoys at COP15 Biodiversity Conference commit to protect 30% of environment vital for biodiversity by 2030, boost support for poorer countries by tens of millions of dollars

Chinese chair of conference 'confident' global pact to protect biodiversity will be inked; Canadian envoy surprised over steps toward agreement

Education program based on study and action engages students by having them campaign for one of three endangered 'biodiversity hotspots' -- and helping to save the winner

Annual State of Nature report highlights negative consequences of galloping urbanization amid population growth, but notes increase in protected open space

Report, which says state has no strategic action plan for dealing with decline, coincides with battle between green organizations, environment minister over biodiversity bill

Environment reporter Sue Surkes brings a startling comptroller report; health reporter Nathan Jeffay explains global urgency of vaccine booster and talks of 'prejudice psychology'

First research of its kind says ecosystem services ranging from food, water and pollination to carbon absorption could be worth 8% of GDP, says pricing would help preservation

Data science expert Gil David finds that human exploitation of Earth has led to 5,800 years-worth of extinctions from natural causes condensed into just 100 years

An Israel Nature and Parks Authority idea, the book introduces children to five Israeli animals trying to survive in a human-dominated world and tells them how they can help
