Attorneys said to believe bench may still be swayed by evidence yet to be presented, with possibility of plea bargain also seen as slim

Walla and Channel 13 news also report justices urged sides to reach plea bargain 'for the sake of the country'

Poll of 110 startups, of which 66% are Israeli, shows most founders believe bankers in collapse US bank had known the risk they were facing

Zvi Gendelman accused of bribery, fraud and obstruction of justice for advancing interests of Sammy Levy, a real estate developer who backed his election campaign

Court says Yehuda Ben-Hamo created a 'fraud mechanism' and seized $171,000 worth of gift cards and cash

Some in Mandelblit's team reportedly skeptical about evidence provided by police in case against interior minister; decision expected within weeks

State prosecutor plans to indict interior minister and head of Shas party on corruption charges, forcing him from his position, report says