People coming to daven at a Chicago shul on SUnday morning were shocked to discover broken glass and charred rags strewn on the floor in what appears to have been an arson attempt on Kehillas Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel.
Chicago police confirmed that between 9 p.m. Saturday and 8:30 a.m. Sunday, someone tried to set a building in the 500 block of West Melrose aflame at two separate locations.
Three broken glass bottles with an unknown substance and charred black cloth towels were found outside, police said. No one was injured, and no buildings were damaged.

The Trump administration has announced plans to host a regional “economic workshop” as the first stage of its much-anticipated Middle East peace plan, CNN reported on Sunday.
Commenting on the announcement, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner told CNN that “people are letting their grandfathers’ conflict destroy their children’s futures. This will present an exciting, realistic and viable pathway forward that does not currently exist.”
Another “senior administration official” told the network that the effort will attempt to improve the economies of the West Bank and Gaza.

Police say anti-Semitic remarks were yelled at two Jewish teens in Borough Park over the weekend.

President Trump threatened to destroy Iran in a tweet sent in the wake of reports that a rocket was fired into Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone less than a mile away from the US Embassy.
“If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
It’s unclear exactly what prompted Trump’s posting, but news outlets reported explosions in Iraq’s capital and that a rocket launcher was discovered in eastern Baghdad, an area that is home to Iranian-backed Shiite militias.
Read more at NY POST.

It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rav Yaakov Pollack zt”l, longtime of the Shomrei Emunah shul of Boro Park. He was 93.
Rav Pollack led Shomrei Emunah from the early 1970s until his retirement in 2008.
He is survived by his wife, Rebbetzin Rhoda Pollack, and their children, R’ Avrohom Pollack, R’ Daniel Pollack, R’ Shmuel Pollack, R’ Yisroel Meir Pollack, Mrs. Chana Baran and Mrs. Devorah Hertz.
The levayah was held Sunday afternoon at the shul at 52nd Street and 14th Avenue in Boro Park.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{ Newscenter}

Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of Mogelnitz (or Moglonitza) (1849). He was raised and taught by his maternal grandfather, the Koznitzer Maggid. He married the granddaughter of the Rebbe R. Elimelech of Lyzhinsk. He was also the disciple of four leading figures of his generation: the rebbes of Lublin, Pesichah, Apta, and Ruzhin.

U.S. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said on Wednesday that legislation to allow state and local governments the right to punish state or local contractors from boycotting Israel will go forwards “in the relatively near future.”
“The [House Foreign Affairs Committee] is considering this, and I expect to be moving something out of the committee in the relatively near future,” he said during a press briefing in the Capitol.
In February, Hoyer told JNS something similar: “[House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman] Eliot Engel and I are talking about it, and hopefully, we’ll move something soon.”

Media has abandoned the great tradition of freedom of the press for smear campaigns and fake news.
