Adam Schiff has provided no proof of collusion despite claiming to have significant evidence of it.

An official in the French town of Montpelier celebrated his birthday with a cake decorated with a swastika, which he described as “a gift from my SS friend.”
Djamel Boumaaz posted an image of the cake on his Facebook page, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said on Thursday.
The full text of the post celebrating his 40th birthday read: “I spent a beautiful day with my family, music, food in the home of my SS friend, then my birthday cake arrived, a gift from my SS friend.”
The Wiesenthal Center, an international Jewish rights organization, said that it had sent a letter of protest to Benedetto Zacchiroli, president of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism.

Promoting the Community’s Success 
WellCare Health Plans of New Jersey, Inc. Community Connections program recently announced the winners of their Community Impact Grant Awards.  WellCare, a healthcare insurance carrier for individuals and families with NJ Family Care coverage, is known for their forward-thinking programs that go beyond just healthcare coverage. One example is the WellCare Community Connections program, which offers grants to non-profit organizations focused on improving social determinants that promote health and wellness within the community’s infrastructure. About two months ago, WellCare met with representatives of many non-profit social service resource agencies that service the Lakewood community. 

The Senate Intelligence Committee, in a new report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, said Thursday that systems in all 50 states likely were targeted in some manner, that the federal government fell short in warning states about the threat and that vulnerability persists heading into the 2020 campaign.
The panel’s investigation found that Russia’s 2016 interference began as early as 2014 and continued into at least 2017, and it echoed findings from other federal officials who have said there is no evidence that any votes were changed or that any voting machines were compromised.

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered Thursday evening at the entrance to the Vizhnitz bakery in Bnei Brak, shouting slogans against the left and waving signs of support for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
The demonstration was due to the visit of Blue and White chairman MK Benny Gantz in Bnei Brak, who was scheduled for a visit to the area to meet with the charedi public. Gantz was to have been accompanied by Knesset members Yoaz Hendel and Yizhar Shai.
Yaakov Weider, chairman of the Likud party in Bnei Brak and organizer of the demonstration, said that “the residents of Bnei Brak and the entire charedi community only support Netanyahu as prime minister.”

If you’re among the 147 million Americans whose credit data was compromised in the 2017 Equifax data breach, read on. You may be eligible for compensation.
The Federal Trade Commission ruled Monday that credit reporting agency Equifax will have to pay up to $700 million in individual compensation and civil penalties because of the hack.
According to the commission’s online claims process, those whose personal information was exposed can get free credit monitoring for 10 years: four years via the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) and six years specifically through Equifax.
if you already have credit monitoring, you can choose to receive $125.

The Legal Aid Society on Thursday blasted the NYPD for directing its officers to bust the punks behind the growing spate of water-bucket ambushes while not dropping the hammer in cases of police misconduct.
“The disproportionate response from the NYPD to these incidents of young people splashing water on officers compared to officers committing violent misconduct, also often on tape, demonstrates the Department’s failure to see its own hypocrisy,” said Anne Oredenko, the supervising attorney of the Legal Aid Society’s Racial Justice Unit, in a statement.

Mayor Bill de Blasio challenged President Trump to a debate in New York during a variety show hosted by BuzzFeed at Webster Hall in the East Village.
“I challenge you, Donald Trump, to come to New York City, and I will debate you about what’s right for New York City,” an animated de Blasio declared, adding that “BuzzFeed will host it.”
“[Trump] doesn’t understand New York City,” de Blasio sneered. “And when his presidency is over, really soon, he will not be welcome back.”
Read more at THE NY POST.
