A postcard written and signed by Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, just one day after officially declaring the State of Israel’s independence, was recently discovered. Dated on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar in the Jewish year 5748 (May 15, 1948), it was sent to the founding father of the kibbutz movement, Shlomo Lavi.
In a letter inscribed on the back of the postcard, Ben-Gurion wrote: “The people of Israel have attained the pinnacle of their existence—the State of Israel has been born.”
The postcard, which was discovered right before Israel’s Independence Day, will be put up for public auction next week at the Kedem Auction House in Jerusalem.

One Palestinian rioter — a 24-year-old man — was reportedly killed on Friday in renewed unrest on the Israel-Gaza Strip border.
According to Gaza health officials, 30 other Palestinians were wounded on Friday.
Weekly border demonstrations — which have often turned violent — have taken place since March 2018. Israel sees the protests as potential cover for cross-border attacks and a bid by Hamas to distract from its internal governance problems.
The IDF said its troops were confronted by around 6,000 Palestinian rioters on the border on Friday, and opened fire when some of them approached the fence.

Rav Shlomo Ephraim of Luntchitz, author of Kli Yakar and Ololos Ephraim (1550-1619). Rav Shlomo Ephraim was born in Lunchitz in Poland. He was a disciple of Rav Shlomo Luria (Maharshal), the famous talmudist and author of Yam Shel Shlomo. After leading the yeshiva in Lvov, Rav Shlomo Ephraim was appointed Rav of Prague. He sat on the Beis Din of that city with Rav Yeshayah Horowitz(the “Shelah Ha’kadosh”). Among Rav Shlomo Ephraim’s prominent students was Rav Yom Tov Lipman Heller, author of the Mishnah commentary Tosfos Yom Tov. The Kli Yakar died in Prague, Bohemia. The introduction of his Kli Yakar he relates that the name Shlomo was added to his name during life-threatening illness.

An NYPD traffic cop is under internal investigation for allegedly calling a Midtown motorist a “stupid Jew,” according to the department and reports.
The police officer is accused of yelling the insult at a driver who was attempting to make a right turn on East 57th Street and Park Avenue but, unable to get in the correct lane, attempted to make the turn anyway. That’s when the traffic cop walked over to the car and said “you can’t might a right turn, you stupid Jew.”
“I didn’t mean what I said, I apologized to the other gentleman,” the officer is captured saying on a video that does not include the initial insult.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party said he intends to ask President Reuven Rivlin for an extension to finalize coalition talks.
On Tuesday, Netanyahu reaches the first deadline to form his fifth government. If Rivlin accepts Netanyahu’s request, the prime minister has until May 29 to form a government.
Likud’s spokesman said the request came as a result of “a crowded schedule that included… Pesach, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut and security events.”
Read more at i24NEWS.

The first Democratic presidential debate will take place at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Miami on June 26 and June 27, NBC News announced Friday.
NBC News, MSNBC and Telemundo are hosting the first official debate of the primary season, which will air live across all three networks from 9 to 11 p.m. ET. each night.
Twenty candidates will participate — 10 on each night — and to qualify, candidates need to meet one of two thresholds: Either register at least 1 percent support in at least three polls or collect at least 65,000 online donations.
So far, at least 18 candidates have qualified, according to an unofficial analysis by NBC News.

There has been an slight uptick in the health of Rafael Shmuel ben Fraydel Miriam, the young boy whp  underwent a transplant last week.
Though Rafael Shmuel lost a lot of blood during the procedure and was is critical condition, the surgery was a success and Rafael Shmuel’s vitals eventually stabilized. The doctor was reportedly astonished at the stunning turnaround and has declared that it is a true miracle.
The young boy still has a long way to go before he is fully recovered,including a second surgery in the immediate future. Everyone is asked to keep in mind for a refuah shelaimah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

U.S. special envoy for Mideast peace negotiations Jason Greenblatt lambasted the U.N. Security Council on Thursday as members condemned Jewish settlements being built, instead of condemning the most recent rocket fire from Gaza towards Israel, saying it was “baffling and disappointing to see the obvious, continual anti-Israel bias at the U.N.”
“Let’s stop pretending that settlements are what is keeping the sides from a negotiated peaceful solution,” he said. “This farce and obsessive focus on one aspect of this complicated conflict helps no one.”
