A Private Spring

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
 Nissan is here. The cold is gone, snow is history, and the harsh weather is a thing of the past. The ground has warmed. Trees and bushes are beginning to show signs of life as tiny green buds begin to unfurl. Branches bloom, grass turns green, and squirrels and birds dart across the lawn seeking life. The sun rises higher in the sky, shining brighter, filling hearts with promises of warmth and color.
Young and old soak in the pleasures of recreation, walking, biking, and playing ball, as they strengthen their bodies, enhance their well-being, and broaden their perspective.

As the Pesach preparations begin, take a short break, and turn back the clock with this awesome clip, the fourth in our ‘REIMAGINED’ series, as superstar Benny Friedman & The Yedidim Choir join the new look Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra.
The clip features six of the hottest wedding songs of yesteryear, as we throw you back into the ’90s. The energetic and smooth vocals of Benny and the choir, with fresh musical arrangements, put a new spin on those classics, for a clip that you will for sure want to watch more than once.
Video Taken at the Berger & Kraus Wedding on December 19th, 2018 at The Rockleigh Country Club.
Lecha Eten- Dedi
Sameach- Mendy Wald
Im Ein Ani-Shlomo simcha
Lefonov- Mordechai Ben David

Harvard Law professor emeritus weighs in on Attorney General Bill Barr’s Capitol Hill testimony.

The first-ever national study of Jewish grandparents—commissioned by the Jewish Grandparents Network (JGN), in partnership with 17 national organizations and Jewish Federations—provides detailed information about the demographics, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and needs of this crucial family sector.
Nearly 8,000 individuals (approximately 1,000 of them from a nationally representative sample) participated in the study.

The New Right party, headed by Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, appears to have passed the 3.25% electoral threshold, achieving 3.26%, and will be in the 21st Knesset thanks to the votes of the soldiers, Arutz Sheva reports.
In addition, it appears that Moshe Feiglin’s Zehut party will not pass the threshold. As of the last update, it received 2.76 percent. Read more at Arutz Sheva.
{Matzav.com Israel}

CTech – With the Israeli general elections here, the use of archaic paper ballots in our electoral process seems, on its face, to be anathema to the ethos of the Startup Nation. Their continued use requires that we trust election officials to be honest and procedurally accurate and secure. And, it remains very difficult to determine ballot tampering and other security breaches. So why not use digital technology?

Rav Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen (1521-1597). The son of Rav Meir of Padua (the Maharam Padua), Rav Shmuel was born in Padua. He served on the Beis Din of Venice and became Rav of the city and headed its yeshiva. His sefer, Drashos R’ Shmuel Yehuda, also called Shteim Esre Drashos, is sometimes erroneously named Drashos Mahari Mintz.
Rav Yaakov Temerlis (1668). Borns in Worms, he traveled to Lublin and then Kremenitz, Poland. Late in life, he moved to Vienna. His sefarim included Sifra DiTzniyusa DeYaakov, a kabbalistic commentary on the Torah.
Rav Chaim Abulafya, born in Chevron, Rav of Tzefas, Izmir (Turkey), Tveria (1660-1744), known as a miracle worker

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Tuesday that his first international trip in office will be to Israel in May.
“I promised to be the most pro-Israel governor in America, and that the first delegation I would lead would be to the State of Israel,” said the Republican governor. “I’m pleased to report that I’m keeping that promise. Our delegation will bring business, academic and political leaders to help strengthen the bond between Florida and Israel.”
The six-day trip will seek to further economic and other cooperation between the Sunshine State and the Jewish state, where the governor and his cabinet plan to be at the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.

Several 2020 Democrats support Bernie Sanders’ Medicare plan; Peter Doocy reports.

A passenger on an El Al flight which landed in New York opened the plane’s emergency exit and attempted to jump out of the aircraft Wednesday.
The incident took place on flight LY001 from Tel Aviv to New York after the Boeing 747, which had about 400 passengers, landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport. (JFK) Wednesday morning local time.
El Al stated that “when the plane arrived at the gate and during the descent of the passengers, an American passenger opened one of the rear passenger doors that are not intended for passengers. Two EL AL crew-members who noticed the passenger kept their cool and acted resourcefully in grabbing the passenger as he hung from the door at a great height, and thereby saved his life.”
