On the 25th anniversary of the terrorist attack on a Jewish office building in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s authorities designated Thursday Hezbollah a terrorist organization and ordered to freeze the group’s assets in the country.
On July 18, 1994, a suicide driver blew up a van filled with explosives, destroying the headquarters of the Jewish community known as AMIA, killing 85 people and wounding more than 200.
The move by the Argentinian administration comes a day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on France and all countries in Europe to designate the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Bill Gates is no longer the world’s second-richest person. That title now belongs to French billionaire Bernard Arnault.
Arnault, the CEO of luxury goods maker LVMH (LVMHF), overtook Gates Tuesday on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. It’s the first time since the index was created seven years ago that Gates has dropped out of the top two.
Arnault has a net worth of around $108 billion, according to the index, having added $39 billion to his fortune in the past year. Microsoft (MSFT) founder Gates is worth $107 billion.
Read more at CNN.

A majority of Americans oppose making the District of Columbia the 51st state, according to a new poll released Monday.
The Gallup poll found a clear majority of 64 percent don’t think the nation’s capital should attain statehood, compared to 29 percent who support the idea.
The poll comes as Eleanor Holmes Norton, Washington’s nonvoting delegate in the House, and city officials have been trying to build national support for statehood, framing it as a civil rights issue and arguing that the city’s 700,000 residents are disenfranchised because they lack voting representation in Congress.

yahrtzeit-candlesChur, son of Kalev and Miriam, killed by the erev rav for his protest against making the Egel. (1309 or 1312 BCE)
Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin (1932-1999), son of Rav Yoshua Zelig Diskin, rav of Periaslov (Ukraine) and Pardes Chana, and grandson of Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin. He learned at Ponevezh and the Kaminetz-Knesses Beis Yitzchak kollel. He served for 26 years as one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Kol Torah.

President Trump on Thursday said he disagrees with the “send her back” chant that rang throughout his North Carolina rally when he attacked Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).
“I was not happy with it. I disagree with it,” Trump told reporters at the White House.
The chant began as the president made a litany of attacks on Omar, part of his days-long onslaught against a group of four minority, progressive Democratic congresswomen.
Asked why he did not stop the chants, Trump responded, “I think I did. I started speaking very quickly.”
Read more at The Hill.

The Military Prosecution will file indictments against a career soldier and a soldier for removing weapons from the military and arms trading authorities and selling them to Arabs
The MPCID investigation revealed that the military officer removed two M-16 assault rifles, two MAG rifles, two MAG barrels, some 48 rounds of ammunition, and three stun grenades.
He sold the weapons and ammunition to an Arab citizen from Wadi Ara who was arrested by the Israel Police Department.
Read more at Arutz Sheva.

President Trump on Thursday said a U.S. Navy vessel shot down an Iranian drone in a “defensive action” in the Strait of Hormuz.
Trump said the USS Boxer shot down the drone after it got within 1,000 yards, “ignoring multiple calls to stand down and was threatening the safety of the ship and the ship’s crew.”
“The drone was immediately destroyed,” Trump said. “This is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by Iran against vessels operating in international waters.”
The Pentagon added the Iranian drone was within a “threatening range” of the Boxer.
Read more at The Hill.

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson may have just slammed the parking brake on his mayoral bid.
Johnson fumed to WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” on Thursday that too much public space is dedicated to on-street car storage, potentially alienating a host of car-driving voters.
“I do think that there are too many parking spaces in New York City,” Johnson said bluntly. “We have over 3 million [on-street] parking spaces in New York City … and we should reclaim that space and use it for the public.”
Read more at THE NY POST.

Rep. Ilhan Omar said Thursday President Donald Trump is “spewing his fascist ideology” after Trump rallygoers chanted “Send her back!” about Omar as the President intensified his attacks on four congresswomen of color.
“As much as he’s spewing his fascist ideology on stage, telling US citizens to go back because they don’t agree with his detrimental policies for our country, we tell people that here in the United States: dissent is patriotic,” the Minnesota Democrat said.
“Here in the United States, disagreement is welcome, debate is welcomed and especially in the people’s House all of our voices are uplifted and heard,” Omar said.
Read more at CNN.
