Central bank governor warns new government about budget demands in coalition deals, calls for responsible fiscal policy

Expected to be signed into effect in 2 weeks, interior minister and MK Abir Kara's amendment to Business Licensing Order eases up on bureaucratic requirements

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discusses 2023 budget plans and US correspondent Jacob Magid looks at highlights of US Democrats' visit and a church land brouhaha

The initiative, said to be the brainchild of Minister Ze'ev Elkin, would provide the coalition with more security and get a major hurdle out of the way early

Party sources say it can't get enough voters to attain 61-seat majority, only hope is for new right-wing party to draw those unhappy with Bennett and Sa'ar

ToI founding editor David Horovitz and Startup Israel editor Ricky Ben David discuss the details of the coalition's budget success, as well as recent religious scuffles

Amichai Chikli says 'those who dissented from Yamina in deep sense are those who lead it. Bennett is not part of the right'

PM declares Israel now 'back on track' after Knesset approves first state budget in over 3 years; Meretz minister says gov't can get on with 'normal life,' but warns of pitfalls

Legislation approved with vote of 59-56, further shoring up government's stability, a day after approval of 2021 budget averted threat of early elections

Labor's Emilie Moatti apologizes for ending perfect run, blames error on lack of sleep after all-night session; Bennett: Israel 'will enter a different era' once budget passes
