Airline does not offer details on possible threat, Lufthansa also cancels flights for one day; British Foreign Office updates travel warning for Egypt

No cause of death given for Wall Street Journal reporter, who won major Jewish book award in 2007 for 'The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit,' about end of Jewish life in Cairo

In 3rd public appeal to government in a week, ex-envoys say Ayoub Kara should not be given job over professional diplomat Amira Oron

Staffers ask Israel Katz to back their choice of veteran diplomat Amira Oron over PM's possible appointment of controversial ex-Likud lawmaker Ayoub Kara

Film includes interviews with 40 experts who chart the strange discovery and continued scholarship of the mass of rare random documents that make for a rich 'medieval Facebook'

Groups warns of return to autocratic system as Egyptians go to polls for three days of balloting on letting president stay in power until 2030
