President's son, a powerful politician in his own right, touts possible 180-degree policy shift, including outlawing Hezbollah and recognizing settlements as legal

'We’re not going to do something extraordinary. We’re doing a normal thing -- to recognize your capital,' declares Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president's son and a senior MP

Alejandro Giammattei says he'll ban all branches of Iranian-backed terror group, pledges to convince other countries to move their embassies to Jerusalem

President Jair Bolsonaro's son Eduardo to attend December 15 ceremony; Honduras to move embassy to capital 'in the next few weeks,' Israeli official says

Foreign Ministry hails Yerevan for 'important' move, but Israeli news station reports process far from a done deal

Real facility is reportedly across the hall in Jerusalem building, but wasn't ready on time for Sunday inauguration ceremony

President Hernandez hails 'historic day'; prays at Western Wall, but stops short of endorsing Israeli sovereignty at flashpoint holy site

Embassy's annual Independence Day event held for first time in Jerusalem, at PM's request; US envoy hails 'historic gathering'

After Netanyahu's request, annual July 4 party to take place at conference center in capital; bipartisan congressional delegation to attend

Frontrunner Sandra Torres vowed not to relocate mission back to Tel Aviv, but local Jewish leader says there is 'no guarantee'; Israeli candidate comes in sixth
