Longtime colleagues and friends forced into contest for same seat, with lawmaker who led Trump impeachment trials and backed Iran nuke deal winning out

Nadler, 75, pushed congressional offensive against Donald Trump; Carolyn Maloney, 76, is long time advocate for 9/11 survivors; two incumbents face each other due to redistricting

Top US congressional security, oversight committees write to Department of Homeland Security asking for interviews with staff, access to documents amid probe of missing evidence

Fundraising email highlights Manhattan politician's commitment to social action, describing him 'as a person who lives and breathes Tikkun Olam'

Oversight committee looking into Saudi investment in firm of Trump's son-in-law after his favorable actions; he insists he did it all for good of US-Israel-Arab relations

Steve Linick tells congressional committee members that prior to being fired by Trump he was probing secretary of state on misuse of government resources, arms sale to Saudi Arabia

The Never Again Education Act would allocate $10m over five years to helping teachers across the country increase awareness about the Nazi genocide

Democrats tend to emphasize the threat of anti-Semitic violence in the US and Europe, while Republicans focus on Israel's security

Eliot Engel says he never believed Holocaust could occur in US, but 'it could happen here if people excuse it'; Hakeem Jeffries: 'We’re not going to tolerate this in our community'