US bureau chief Jacob Magid and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman discuss the Israeli president's address to a joint session, meeting with US President Joe Biden, and reactions

In warm visit, presidents reference joint ancestral ties in public speeches and private meeting

Putin, Erdogan, Jordan's Abdullah, Egypt's Sissi, Spanish king, presidents of Singapore, Georgia and Greece also among the many reaching out to mourning Israeli president

In eulogy, Isaac Herzog says his mother’s great loves were her family, Israel and ‘good taste, aesthetics… and understanding the big wide world’

Politicians laud 'pioneering' woman who devoted herself to public service; she took part in Israel's War of Independence and was a social and environmental activist

Envoy says report by UNHRC belongs in 'the dustbin of antisemitism,' notes Israel has been targeted in 95 resolutions compared to 142 against all other countries combined

Knesset presents encrypted digital image of his father to 'visibly moved' new president

Jewish Agency says about 20,000 olim will have arrived by year's end, over half from former Soviet Union countries; last year, 33,247 came