After Macron defends right to caricature Muhammad, terrorist leader Nasrallah issues warning: 'You need to think about correcting this mistake'

The stabbing in Nice is the latest in a series of terrorist incidents, including one that left 130 concertgoers dead and another that killed a rabbi and Jewish kids

Drawing of Turkish president in his underwear, holding a drink and lifting a woman's dress, comes after he spearheaded international opposition to French crackdown on Islamism

22-year-old charged with glorifying terrorism; several knives and other weapons found at his home, prosecutors say

200 attend protest in Jaffa; in Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups condemn and threaten French president

Turkish premier alleges unfair policies against Muslims, as France attempts clampdown on extremism in response to a wave of terror attacks

In search for accomplices, anti-terror investigators establish that Abdullah Anzorov spoke with Russian-speaker from Idlib, telling him he'd 'avenged the Prophet' after beheading

Haim Korsia writes in op-ed that Paris changing policy 'belatedly, but all the same,' after beheading of history teacher who showed students cartoons of prophet Mohammed

Sources close to operation say individuals targeted were known to police for radical preachings, hate speech on social media

France's interior minister says two men urged killing of Samuel Paty after he showed his class cartoons of Mohammed; police raid homes of dozens of extremists
