Many hotels in the tourism-dependent West Bank city have shut down and shopkeepers have struggled amid the nearly two-year-long pandemic

Jerusalem's Old City Santa, Issa Anis Kassissieh, takes a kayaking trip on the River Jordan, tree and presents in tow

Jewish people who left the Soviet Union maintain the 'yolka' tree tradition, celebrating the secular symbol connected to Novy God, or the Russian New Year

Police open probe into fires at city's Catholic, Orthodox churches; Christian leader calls for incident to be treated as terrorism

No carols played in streets of Seoul, masses canceled in Beijing, no tourists in Bethlehem, taxi drivers starved for cash forced to work holiday in Sao Paulo

Roman pontiff urges leaders of nations, businesses and international organizations to 'promote cooperation and not competition, and to search for solution for all'

Nahoum & Sons' fruit cakes and Middle Eastern pastries are known far and wide. The only thing that's changed since 1902 is the clientele

Islamic terror group in hot water after leak of the intention of its Religious Affairs Ministry to limit holiday activities

Palestinians celebrate holiday in the traditional birthplace of Jesus with marching bands and other events, but there, and around the world, streets are empty and moods are sombre

Israel Museum researcher finds rare eulogia token showing both baby Jesus and Church of the Nativity as it may have looked 700 years after his birth
