Former head of Defense Ministry body that supervises land use grew olive trees on the plots while serving in the post 30 years ago, continues to work them

Former defense minister's wildlife preserves are partially closed to the public, frequently used for Israeli agriculture, and often situated on privately-owned Palestinian land

Residents claim beekeeper was only trying to take hive with him when they accidentally got loose, but security forces say it was hurled at them

Border Police say dozens rioted and slashed tires of jeep near flashpoint wildcat community where forces razed two homes

One of structures is in Area B and belongs to an extremist who rebuilt it after troops flattened it in January; officers arrest him for refusing to evacuate

As demand for chicken meat peaks for Passover and Ramadan, West Bank effluent drains into tributary of Israel's Alexander River, highlighting cross-boundary pollution problem

Defense Ministry body says it won't demolish populated structures, but exceptions would be made for those slated for razing due to security or public safety reasons

Highway connecting Palestinian villages north of Ma'ale Adumim will allow Jewish travelers to reach settlement from Jerusalem without 'friction' with Arab neighbors, minister says

Foreign policy head Borrell: Construction will bisect territorial contiguity between West Bank, East Jerusalem, Israel shouldn't take steps that undermine future 2-state solution

State agrees to hold off on demolishing Israeli wildcat hamlets due to pressure from PM aide, while simultaneously bulldozing illegal Palestinian structures
