Swedish campaigner supporting protests against demolition of village, in symbol of resistance against fossil fuels

Nearly 50 miners remain caught in two separate areas between 300 and 350 meters below the ground; Erdogan to visit scene of accident

Without rich nations committing to phase out fossil fuels and without funding to help the developing world, humanity faces a grim future

UK's Boris Johnson warns that latest commitments to limiting global warming were 'drops in a rapidly warming ocean'; UN chief says he leaves Rome 'with my hopes unfulfilled'

World's biggest economies agree to reach target 'around mid-century,' will end funding for foreign coal use, but without plan for phasing it out domestically

As things stand 'there is a serious risk that Glasgow will not deliver,' warns UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, calling reports of progress 'an illusion'

Report shows governments intend to produce over double the amount of fuels by 2030 than allowed under Paris pact to keep global temp increase under 1.5°C by end of the century