Iranian health minister tells Iraqi counterpart vaccine successfully tested on animals, promises to share it with Baghdad when ready

AstraZeneca and Oxford University say they got they all clear to continue inoculations after trials were briefly halted because volunteer became sick

Experts say pausing of phase 3 trials for top vaccine candidate after volunteer develops unexplained illness is 'a totally reasonable measure of caution' -- but markets are spooked

Company investigating if a recipient’s 'potentially unexplained' illness is a side effect of shot, calls move 'standard review process,' in late-stage studies being conducted

Trump accuses Biden and Harris of working to 'disparage' a potential vaccine for political gain after Democrats said they would not trust US president over vaccination safety

Virus seems to affect obese populations more severely, while excess weight makes treatment harder, say researchers

Statement comes amid concern several countries, including the US, are cutting corners and rushing through a vaccine for political reasons

Timeline raises concern among public health experts about that vaccine approval driven by political considerations ahead of a presidential election, rather than science

AstraZeneca treatment to begin trials on tens of thousands; US advisory panel releases draft plan for rationing a successful vaccine, with healthcare workers first in line

Dismissing unease among international medical community over fast-tracked testing, capital city's mayor says 'post-registration research' will last 6 months, involve 40,000 people
