Citizens have been hit hard by the pandemic, coupled with economic hardship brought on by US sanctions

Party leaders fan out across country ahead of March 23 vote, with Netanyahu hoping the successful vaccine drive can help propel him to victory

No details were released on size of outbreak or if it affected family members of former president who moved there after leaving White House

American members of the digital generation use their native skills to assist older people to schedule vaccinations, access information, and feel less lonely during the pandemic

Syrian health ministry says patients being transferred to other hospitals, in rare acknowledgment of severity of outbreak

Data released after ministers vote to allow further easing of restrictions; death toll reaches 6,071

Speed of inoculation picking up globally with 100 million vaccinations in past 11 days; US leads in total count with 113 million shots administered

Coronavirus cabinet approves increasing capacity at sporting, cultural venues; also expected to set rules on gatherings over Passover, Ramadan

US president had set a goal of 100 days to reach inoculation landmark, but 58 days into his term objective already reached

Researchers from University of Oxford say non-peer-reviewed data suggests natural and vaccine-induced antibodies can neutralize variants, but at lower levels
