2 days after normalization pact announced, firms say they'll work on developing a testing device to more quickly and accurately diagnose the virus

Average rate of lost income was 44%, survey finds; among salaried employees, 35% took a wage cut; earnings loss most widespread in low income households

German soccer players' charity gives funds after museum asks for public contributions in the wake of the pandemic, which has paralyzed tourism

Mamilla, Hotel Montefiore and the Brown Hotels are working hard to figure out a way to keep the doors open as overseas tourist trade grinds to a halt

Coronavirus cabinet approves additional limits on crowding in indoor spaces, while easing others in open-air spaces; number of active cases drops by 733 since previous day

Government said preparing for potential lockdown, but percentage of positive test results shows decline over past week; 14 more deaths reported since Thursday morning

Sinaia Netanyahu appointed head of Program for Environmental and Health Impacts at the World Health Organization's Europe office

Hadassah hospital gave three people a new drug made from antibodies from people who had had coronavirus; they are all now home after 'astonishing' recovery

Defense Ministry says Blue and White leader does not need to enter quarantine following back operation, as nurse was far away

Defendants allegedly stole thousands of shekels from Palestinian workers crossing border illegally, beat them until bloody; police condemn suspected behavior as 'atypical'
