Majority Jewish Cote Saint-Luc makes face coverings mandatory in public as of June 15; mayor proposed new regulations after conversations with Israeli relatives

While many shoppers follow social distancing rules meant to prevent spread of virus, sneaker fans jostle for position in crowded line for Nike store on Oxford Street

As Europe reopens, some Israeli travel agents are baffled government isn’t launching airport-based testing so they can be part of the resurgence

Country's economic hub now home to more active cases than anywhere outside Jerusalem; fatalities include man, 26, who was country's youngest victim

Polish soldiers at border closed due to pandemic accidentally took up their post last month at the wrong spot, leading to diplomatic tiff

Observant Jews debate using electronic thermometers at entrance to hospitals on Jewish day of rest if it is not a life-threatening situation

Police trying to break up events met with violence; 3 people stabbed and one dies of overdose in illegal quarantine parties near Manchester

Beijing reports highest daily number of new coronavirus cases in months, with many linked to wholesale food market, even as European countries move toward opening up their borders

Population and Immigration Authority says Brandon Korff met with girlfriend and stayed in her apartment; son of Shari Redstone is known to be dating model Yael Shelbia

New Yorkers always accepted as given a cheek-by-jowl existence, treating streets, subways, parks, favorite restaurants and bars as extensions of their own personal space. No longer
